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About the Farm

The story so far… 

The inspiration for the Food & Regenerative Farming Centre and Bridie’s Farm CIC grew through cultivating the Red Brick Community Garden and is the product of feedback received from the local community after 10 years of nurturing a verdant oasis on an old industrial site. The staff and volunteers at the Community Garden have been hosting workshops with and for the wider community and in partnership with the Red Brick Building, Feed Avalon, Bridie’s Yard, The ZigZag and other local grass roots initiatives. The focus has always been on growing and preparing healthy food and supporting healthy relationships with the land and each other. It is as though the dreams and visions that have been shared through these thousands of interactions needed more space in which to grow. 

Where we are now…

The project has been brought to life by funding through the National Levelling Up scheme, contracted by Somerset Council and the Glastonbury Town Deal Board, and administered by The Red Brick Building Centre. A small team will establish the vision which they have mapped out during a 2 year business planning phase, working closely with local stakeholders. In the interest of longer term sustainability following the set up period concluding in 2026, the entire project and its assets will transition to a community owned, members based organisation, Bridie’s Farm CIC. 

To follow:

Get Involved

If you want to lend a hand or just come and visit, you can find a list of open days and activities on our Events Calendar.
If you have questions about anything you are reading here or have particular skills or knowledge to offer, please get in touch with someone on the team via our Contact Page.